The GTR Lighting Rally Car at the Ojibwe Rally Event

The GTR Lighting rally car moved up in rank with the Ojibwe Rally event. Nick Roberts, the driver of the GTR Lighting rally car finished first place in the super production class for his first 1st place rank.

Nick Roberts Global Rally Team 1st place Super Production class.

We got a chance to attend the 2013 Ojibwe Rally Event and it was a blast. The Ojibwe Rally takes place in north-central Minnesota and is spread out through the state. The Ojibwe Rally is known for its technical corners and dust. And the dust… was… bad! As a spectator or a driver, the dust was going to give you problems seeing this year. GTR Lighting had a solution for it though!

They captured the event from the sky, above the dust, with a quadcopter setup. A few days after the event GTR Lighting posted this video for the world to see. Nick Roberts Global Rally Team (formerly Nicksquared) took first place in the SP (Super Production) class at Ojibwe Rally. Nick said he always continues to get better but he also had an advantage because he grew up in Minnesota very close to these roads.

Nick Roberts Global Rally Team is quickly moving forward and so is their sponsor GTR Lighting! GTR Lighting continues to grow and create new, higher-quality products for many versatile applications. They are known for their HID Conversion Kits and their LED Logo Projectors but they are going to be known for a lot more than that.

GTR Lighting Presents Nick Roberts Global Rally Team at Ojibwe Rally 2013

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