Vision X VX Series Review - Better Automotive Lighting

Vision X is known for both quality and durability. As the inventors of the LED light bar, they know a thing or two about LED lighting. Much of their technology that stems for the best light bars on earth is transferred to their 7″ Round LED Headlights.



Headlight Revolution recently created a review video for the Vision X VX Series Headlights, check it out!


Let’s talk about the features that make the Vision X VX Series LED headlights great.

First, it’s construction.
A fully integrated LED system in a fully sealed housing. The housing consists of hardened poly-carbonate lenses and diecast aluminum housings. This construction means these headlights will be able to stand up to anything you or mother nature throws at it.

Second, patented light bar technology.
Deep Cone Iris Reflector – 10w LED’s that are powered by Vision X’s patented “Prime Drive Technology”. The cones are specifically engineered to capture as much light as possible and put it exactly where it needs to be.
Halo Technology – These headlights come with a fully integrated halo system.

How does the headlight work?
The low beam is created when the top large reflector and the two small diffused lights on the left and right are turned on. There are two options for the high beam in the VX Series, standard high or “High4”. The standard high uses the two Deep Cone Reflectors. High Four uses an adaptor which engages both the low and high beams when the high beams are turned on.

Vision X Vortex (VX Series):
900 Max Lux on Low Beam
1100 Max Lux on High Beam


Where to get them.

The Vision X VX Series 7″ Round headlights come in several different configurations: Individually, universal kit, or vehicle specific kits.

Find all the Vision X VX Series Headlights here

Check out our review of Headlight Revolution’s 7″ Round Headlights for the Jeep Wrangler JK: https://betterautomotivelighting.com/2019/04/19/best-headlights-for-a-jeep-wrangler-jk/

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