United Pacific 31400 7 Inch Round LED Headlight Review

When looking for a good 7″ round LED headlight to replace your Jeep Wrangler headlight, or those in your classic Mustang or Corvette, a really good and cheap option is the United Pacific 31400. It is a reflector-style design with a decorative bar across the center that hides the LED light source. When on you get the low beam pattern from the top, and the high beam pattern from the bottom. It’s a good looking headlight, way brighter than stock and one of the most affordable!

Watch the video below for more details!

The low beam on this headlight creates 500 Lumens per light, which leaves a little to be desired, but the lux output and beam pattern are downright impressive! As you can see it’s a straight cutoff line suitable for driving anywhere in the world!

The high beam on this headlight is truly impressively bright, at 2,400 lumens per housing, even though the beam pattern is kind of odd, it’s still a very bright option!

Here you can see a single headlight low beam in action on a dark back road, definitely brighter than the original sealed beam headlight, and a very impressive width.

When you turn on the high beam you can see there is a lot more light above the main beam pattern and you can see down past the 100 yard mark.


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