The Best LED Headlight Housings for the Jeep Wrangler

What do you think of LED headlights?

Obviously, they are necessary for driving your Jeep at night. With good headlights, you can easily maneuver your Jeep off-road or on the highway. No doubt, headlights are essential for driving as they are also used to give signals to other road users.

Nowadays, there are many versions of headlights that have been introduced to the market, and one notable one is the LED headlight. What is it, and what do you need to know about it? Let us get some facts:

  1. LED headlight for the Jeep wrangler is fashionable and better functioning than previous headlight options.
  2. LED (Light Emitting Diodes) are small semiconductor diodes that emit light when energized.
  3. It is a unique and advanced technology because when the voltage is applied, electrons release energy in the form of light which is known as photons.
  4. LED technology has experienced lots of improvement over the years, and their reduction in cost has brought quite a few options for headlight replacements to the market.
  5. There are essentially two types of headlights that have been improved with LED technology – reflector style and projector-style headlights.
  6. Both reflector and projector-style headlights are great options, and they have increased the amount and quality of light output over the Wrangler’s original headlights.
  7. The major difference between the two styles of an LED headlight is how they go about projecting the light down the road and the output pattern of light that appears on the surface of the road.
  8. The LED headlights for Jeep wrangler are usually positioned in the center of the housing and bounce light off the reflector. Generally, the lights are divided into an upper and lower half – low and high beam respectively.
  9. LED headlight output is far greater than standard headlights, and the color or reflection of the light is much closer to natural daylight.
  10. LEDs behind a projector lens make the light more focused, and the cut-off pattern of the light on the road is much sharper than that of a reflector style lamp.
  11. Some LED headlights (projector style) feature additional lenses for peripheral lighting to make the road ahead brighter.
  12. LED headlights offer great advantages over traditional lights, and enjoying the best headlight for the Jeep Wrangler just comes down to personal preference in style, look, and how much you are willing to spend.

The best-LED headlight currently

If you really need the best-LED lights, go for the ones available at Headlight Revolution. Below are some of the great headlights on the site and their features.

United Pacific

  • These powerful LED headlights are available in 16 models that you can select from for your headlight needs.
  • All the models are ruggedly constructed with anti-vibration to improve visibility with a whiter light output.
  • Most of them come with shock-resistance built-in, and they provide unparalleled protection from road dangers.

JW Speaker

  • There around 29 various types of JW Speaker LED headlights that you can choose. Their performance is exactly what one should expect from a LED headlight of their caliber made in the USA.
  • JW Speaker models have been adequately improved which was as a result of feedback from customers. Now, all the JW Speaker series have high beam raw lumen output.
  • Some of the JW Speaker models like the 8700 Evolution J LED headlight are equipped with integrated anti-flicker technology that eliminates flickering caused by an electrical system in the Jeep.


Indeed, no matter the type of Jeep you have got, there are more than enough options to choose from at Headlight Revolution, and they are all fantastic housings at different price points.

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