JW Speaker 5x7 LED Headlights, Model #8900

These LED headlights are the best of the best in the automotive lighting world, but they are not perfect, albeit close!

Recently we reviewed and tested a set of the J.W. Speaker #8900 7×6 LED headlights and I must admit that they are totally great! There are a couple small things about them that make them slightly less than perfect, but the pros majorly outweigh the cons! These headlights are great because they are beautiful, reliable and super bright. The problems that I had with these 200mm rectangular LED headlights is pretty minimal, but to some people it may be the difference between purchasing them or not. Granted they are the best on the market, but here’s a short list of the problems these headlights have:

  1. Price: These things sell for a little less than $600 each! If you must have the best, then it’s no argument, but for most of us mere mortals this price tag may break the bank.
  2. Branding: The word “SPEAKER” is embossed on the inner face of the light in big bold letters, symbolizing that it is a product of the J.W. Speaker Corporation, but it confuses most people. I hear the question all the time, “This is a speaker? I thought it was a headlight…” with a funny and confused look on their face. JW Speaker needs to redesign the housing to incorporate some type of “JWS” logo inside, instead of simply the word speaker.
  3. City Light: These headlights have a small single-LED city light built in for use as an indicator or just a unique looking style when you are cruising. The idea is cool, but when you turn on your city light it also lights up one half of the entire housing, dimly, so it really just looks like your headlight is on and broken.

Please take a few moments to watch the entire video, and watch the night time driving demonstration near the end too!

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